Remember back in those days when you don’t have a cell phone? Or a PC? Or an iPod?
What would we have been eating before the McDonald’s introduced their Happy Meals?
One thing’s for sure: Life has been a hell lot more complicated after we learned the simple joys of eating greasy hamburgers designed to clog our arteries, not to mention turning on those MP3 players that would most likely make our hearing go faster than Gramps’.
This is consumerism at its worst. Picture a typical day in my life. I switch on the TV to watch my favorite local channels, then discovered that the news on rice shortage has been cut because the program has to give way to an advertisement on how to make your hair shine. I turn off the TV and leave my house in disgust. I decide to walk downtown, only to be bombarded by Jericho’s smug mug, urging me to eat sardines with him. And on another corner, there’s Cesar Montano, telling me his sardines is better than Jericho.
To escape from it all, I decide to go to the movies! GASP! Kris Aquino telling me to eat corned beef in between screaming for her life! Jason Statham is caressing his Audi as though he’d rather sleep with it than his hot co-star! Sharon Cuneta treating her child to McDonald’s! THESE ARE MOVIES PEOPLE! But then again, on hindsight, movies have always been pandering to big-named advertisers. Nothing’s sacred: from cars to sparkling water.
So I go back to my house, where the bland model is telling me to get some hair exactly like hers…
I give up. I open my refrigerator for a glass of cold water. Then I saw a half-empty bottle of Coke. I took it instead, knowing “it’s the real thing”, more real than water perhaps. It might not be the choice of the new generation, but hey, I’m not that picky.
I prepared myself a peanut butter sandwich, from peanut “made with real peanuts”. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the taste of fake peanuts. Of course, none of it would be complete without a bag of my favorite potato chips (which I presume is made from real potatoes). I need my salt. And my potato chips has 50% sodium.
And then I go back to my miserable existence, letting advertisers sell me stuff I don’t really need.
-Wow! I don't know what to say. When I see an ad, it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find most of them creative, funny and enjoyable!
Wow! I don't know what to say. When I see an ad, it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find most of them creative, funny and enjoyable!
From Matthew Gonzalez, AB1D-3A
hi miz
-my comment is that
advertisement can be anywhere for they wants us to buy their products and they advertise the model that we are idolizing for easier production celebreties like sharon cuneta is some of the respected actress in the showbizz..
and througth that, people will buy the product for they trusted their model......
will to day advertisements are part of are life. if thers no advertisement life will be boring.
Media made people think what they want people to think. Inventions are good but if they are uses wrongly then for me its no good at all. Burgers are fast foods but why rusH? Life is supposed to be cherished...huh?
these ads are poisoning the mind of people.instead we watch current events that actually happening right now,those ad distract us.advertisers do it of course for the MONEY!
kathryn burgos ABID2A
we are in the modern world where everything all around us is advertisements. people are influenced by advertisements that they are no longer thinking if this stuff is essential to their own living. and we can't blame ourself why we continue to buy this stuff, and keep beleiving to the lies of advertisements... i thank you!(bow 90 degrees)
padasas,rodrigo III Abid3a
media advertisement do everything to recognize their product.They're using positive information so that they can get our attentions and they also use beautiful models and famous celebrities because they want us feels that we belong to them and feels us that were like as celebrities or a models if we use their product. It is not bad if they invented a new one but they should know their limitations and also, the most important is " huwag lang sila mangloko" that's all! good article miss!
The products in advertisement are no means needs but people believed that the advertised product embodies the good that they need.Sad to say that advertisements really control our perspective in life.
we cant deny that the fact the advertisements became parts of our lives...at home, at school and almost everywhere they exists. we cant control nor ignore it, with the matching type of creativity, glamor and popular celebrities we turn our head just look at it and even read it at different pages in the magazines. sometimes we're not aware but were consuming it already. besides what's new really hit.
any kinds of product in the commercials will do anything to get our attention to buy their products. But in my case, i was entertained, but it did not convinced me to buy it. Unless its affordable or really i need it.
ledesma ABID2A
"Be glad that you're greedy; the national economy would collapse if you weren't." - Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1996.
Ads that we see on TV, read on papers, or hear on the radios, are one way of expanding consumerism. The advertisements that we see may portray false images, or maybe full of hypocrisy that could possibly alter the human intelligence, but on the contrary, these ads are needed to expand consumerism. Consumerism may have its negative effects, but the sad truth is, our economy depends on it to survive. Nowadays, technologies are getting savvier and innovations are growing rapidly, but I think that these inventions are made so that we could keep up, knowing that we are now living in a fast-paced life. Technologies and inventions are there to make life easier; it all just depends on how people utilize it. But on the other hand I absolutely agree on this sentence: "Life has been a hell lot more complicated after we have learned the simple joys of eating greasy hamburgers designed to clog our arteries, not to mention turning on those MP3 players that would most likely make our hearing go faster than Gramps,"... I think life would be less complicated if people will only want what they really need.
"Be glad that you're greedy; the national economy would collapse if you weren't." - Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1996.
Ads that we see on TV, read on papers, or hear on the radios, are one way of expanding consumerism. The advertisements that we see may portray false images, or maybe full of hypocrisy that could possibly alter the human intelligence, but on the contrary, these ads are needed to expand consumerism. Consumerism may have its negative effects, but the sad truth is, our economy depends on it to survive. Nowadays, technologies are getting savvier and innovations are growing rapidly, but I think that these inventions are made so that we could keep up, knowing that we are now living in a fast-paced life. Technologies and inventions are there to make life easier; it all just depends on how people utilize it. But on the other hand I absolutely agree on this sentence: "Life has been a hell lot more complicated after we have learned the simple joys of eating greasy hamburgers designed to clog our arteries, not to mention turning on those MP3 players that would most likely make our hearing go faster than Gramps,"... I think life would be less complicated if people will only want what they really need.
advertisements used popular actress and actors to influence the minds of buyers.They use different techniques to get the attention of the viewers who watch their commercials.They do all of this for MONEY only.
Without all these there wouldn't be anything. Businesses would shut down when it doesn't get exposure. They use intelligent persuasive techniques to attract buyers. It's all just a matter of marketing. It the product is marketable, why not show it to the world for the firms to make money. It's all business, nothing personal. Everyone needs to make money especially the capitalists and even the small players.
niña said: generally speaking...ADVEERTISEMENTS is partially leading the philippines economic-business--why?simply because of the ways they used, such a high idealistic form & figure of ads, which the people love to have...----but the question is "do we really get something to it?"maybe for some its a yes!.. because they will thought that if their favorite celebrity used it, it is more effective...*another question is:why do the advertisers do this? easy!!! because they earning a lots of money...---ALL IN ALL---
niñacarmina_rosal ABID_2B
I feel that every day a group of people try to influence our mind through TV commercials, radios and things that they endorsed. Advertisers see the success of their ads going down the tubes. Advertising on TV has not proven to be a universally successful way to spend promotional dollars anyway, but for name recognition and brand building, it's tough to beat it. One of their goals is to get our attention. And the networks that run the news so you can watch the weather and sports are scared to death that Wheaties, Ford, and Coca Cola are going to leave them and spend their money elsewhere. We've all seen TV stations boost ratings by hyping the weather. Terrible storm on its way...when in reality it might drop a 1/2 inch of rain. Almost Advertisers make a lie just to get our attention... No commercials = No TV right?
I have one example the iPod commercials are totally unrealistic--people don't just start dancing out on the streets so randomly like that. Well, unless you're in an area where there are usually street performers it might not be so unusual...
But then of course it's merely a commercial--they aim to influence you to buy an iPod by portraying someone fully enjoying their own iPod experience.
About the only people I see dancing in the street is drunks during Friday night or weekends.But for me? It’s not that bad as long as we have money! Sometimes we have to be practical especially now a days that our economy are declining.
These Corporate Labels such as Mainstream Media and other promotions could only brings us the pleasure.Ironically,with this too much trendy visions we had, there's a possibility that people will encounter a massive problems within the society or even the way of living their lives which is the stucked - up situation where people will depend on what World built-in to us.It depends on how you will balance or to manage everything and put things in a certain way.
Popioco, Francis M.
the taste of fake peanuts -_-
well come to imagine life 2000+ years from now.. where advertisers would put their ads IN COLORFUL BLINKING LIGHTS on the bag of your chips..
amp.. now that's.. weird..
Those advertisements make us feel that all of their products such as gadgets, canned goods, or what so ever can make are life easier and more comfortable. They are poisoning the minds of every individual specifically the consumers who could watch their advertisements to let us believe that if we have those, we can be as cool,as hot,as sexy, and as popular as the celebrities in the said advertisements.
Vanilyn E. Glaraga
we'll i think most of the ads nowadays don't show the real contents of their products. we cannot blame the makers of these advertisements cause they only advertise for the sake of money, and money run their businesses. most of the commercials we see on television only show humor, fantasy, creativity and some values that are actually not so related with their products. for instance, most of the coke commercials show family-oriented values but they don't tell anything about coke. it is only that if ever consumers see coke products they would remember the family-oriented values. and what could we get with these products---acid?
but we cannot also deny the fact that these advertisements have been part of our daily living. they give great impact on us. advertisers use different techniques to persuade us in buying their products. and we cannot simply ignore them because they exist everywhere. they're part of our economy.
nowadays its not bad how advertizing corrupt our mind.it is all about you.if you really want to buy their persuading product then buy it!.itis natural for nowadays coz if there's no advertisment there no entertainment..
vivien gecosala
i think matthew's right, i also enjoy watching those ads... but it doesnt mean i also like their product... i know what i want, for example, im a really2x big fan of Kim Chiu, but i dont really like eating at jolibee which she is indorsing, its that simple, why bother...
from the start, we are bombarded with advertisement in our television to captured and encouraged our interest to buy their product. most company chose a high ratings station where they can advertise and sell their own products. most often, they used celebrities and other big stars to recognized their product...
constantino, ABID 4A
Many viewers are being affected by advertisement especially if it is being advertised by actors or actresses in the television and with the help of modern technology.
Media are now finding any effective techniques to gain money even if they have to lie in their adds just to capture the likes of every viewers,they used celebrities as their main tool in getting the attention of viewers because viewers are learned to idolized celebrities nowadays.
CTE1, Apura
Nowadays, advertisements use famous actors and actresses to magnetized the people and buy the things of their favorite celebrities advertised. Advertisements also use many modern techniques to the one who advertise so that consumer will be attracted and decide to buy the product.
-For me the commercials that we've seen on tv are all part of media to earn money for those are their bussiness. It will depend on you if you are going to believe it or not neither you want to follow nor adore it.
Yes, its true before we don't have CP,ipods and etc. life was very simple before but because of the knowledge of human in technology then life are getting convenient than before.Without knowing that being convenient in life will also have something in return and that is happening right now.
In fact the one who destroy our world and our health is also the one who create those advertisment or human acitivity that really don't have any good reason or effect for us just to earn money. These is all about the moderation in our world. People are now influence or used with technology and we can't get rid of it. Maybe because this is part of human being to create and discover new things that will give us bad or good effect.
I will say that all of these things are all about the ambition of human or the ability of human how to live convenient in this world. Hence, they destroy our world and our health.Now we eperienced Global warming and different phenomina and that because of human activity (the technology)without this there will be no tv commercial nor advertisment of products.
To end this comment i conclude that it's really depend on person on what she/he believe,lifestyle or luxury in terms of the adverstisment product.
-For me the commercials that we've seen on tv are all part of media to earn money for those are their business. It will depend on you if you are going to believe it or not neither you want to follow nor adore it.
Yes, its true before we don't have CP,ipods and etc. life was very simple before but because of the knowledge of human in technology then life are getting convenient than before. Without knowing that being convenient in life will also have something in return and that is happening right now.
In fact the one who destroy our world and our health is also the one who create those advertisements or human activities that really don’t have any good reason or effect for us just to earn money. These are all about the moderation in our world. People are now influence or used with technology and we can't get rid of it. Because it is part of human activity to create and discover new things or technology.
I will say that all of these things are all about the ambition of human or the ability of human how to live convenient in this world. Hence, they destroy our world and our health. Now we experienced Global warming and different phenomena and that because of human activity (the technology) without this there will be neither TV commercial nor advertisement of products.
To end this comment i conclude that it’s really depending on person on what she/he believes, lifestyle or luxury in terms of the advertisement product.
Our minds are as polluterd as our environment. I would agree that media has changed the idea of life and how to we live it. These ads make us change our living, making us believe that we would live better with these changes. REALLY?? mybe people now cannot accept the fact that they dont need these changes. But who's to blame?nobody
CTE1 Villanueva
Our consumption of goods obviously is a function of our culture in the sense that jollibee, mcdonalds, coke, royal spaghetti and other leading companies were not just instantly launched successful companies as of today but it grows through the years with the help of a small family or peer which pass their type of taste or brand through generation through generation. our consumption patterns are so much part of our lives that in order to change it there would be a big conflict with our past. with the big help of advertisement it corrupt our mind which food is good, which drinks are for teens and etc.. In my opinion the real issue is not consumption itself but on how people get effected and affected to this.
Our consumption of goods obviously is a function of our culture in the sense that jollibee, mcdonalds, coke, royal spaghetti and other leading companies were not just instantly launched successful companies as of today but it grows through the years with the help of a small family or peer which pass their type of taste or brand through generation through generation. our consumption patterns are so much part of our lives that in order to change it there would be a big conflict with our past. with the big help of advertisement it corrupt our mind which food is good, which drinks are for teens and etc.. In my opinion the real issue is not consumption itself but on how people get effected and affected to this.
This advertisement is for us to know what is the new product they are selling in the market, so we can have our own idea to select what to buy in the market...
lecerio ABID-2A
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hehehehehe... have fun and keep safe ^_^
Tag your it! -again.. hahah,, i changed my first comment on this one. the link isnt working
have fun! :)
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